To Do Or Not To Do, That is the Question

Recently I have been presented with some long awaited opportunities. However that doesn't’ mean that the choices are easy. It’s a gift to have abundance show up especially if it has been in your vision for a while. Maybe a longgggggg while. Hooray it’s here but wait, now I have to make a choice. The choice can be difficult when several opportunities have presented themselves. I have found that my Intuition is my greatest friend and ally. Intuition is that knowing-that voice that is deep down inside that guides you if you care to listen. There is no judgment so if you hear some negative voices be aware that’s your Gremlin-Ego-Inner Critic and assorted characters coming up from your past childhood experiences. There are many ways to tap into your intuition. Here are some suggestions that have worked for me: · Take time to be clear about what you are asking and how that feels in your body · Create a quiet space where you will not be disturbed · Begin with your breath bringing in peace or light · Breathe out fear and worry · Become aware of your heart space and breathe in calmness or whatever feeling you need to relax · Place your hand on your heart and ask a question · After you are complete journal on some ideas and thoughts that came up · Give yourself a high five for taking some time to connect with your inner guidance It may take some time but what I know is that there are no mistakes. There are different paths that we take that provide us with insight and information to understand our desires and passions. Please share this newsletter with anyone that may enjoy it and they can be added to my email list by contacting me at: Much Love, Fran