Hey Got Passion?

HMMMM …. Getting a bit older and but don’t forget wiser. Have you been longing to do something you are passionate about but you have these low energy and negative thoughts taking up room in your noggin? I’m too old…….. I don’t have the energy…... I am still not exactly sure what I’m passionate about due to the fact that I’ve been too busy doing other things and I haven’t carved out time to even think about it! Our Passion changes as we journey through life with new experiences and as we meet new people. I say Hallelujah! That’s cool so we can continue to grow and learn. But sometimes we get lost in a rut off to the side of the road. Sound familiar? Some of us are at the beginning of our careers and life explorations and find when we are really honest with ourselves we are not sure what we are passionate about. Some of us may be approaching middle age and maybe secretly yearning for more out of life. Many of us are shifting in our lives and getting closer to or are at retirement age Have you done any creative dreaming lately? Here are some thoughts to ponder: If you could do anything in the world and money was no object what would be your # 1 dream or vision? What are you really good at and when you are doing it time flies by? What gifts do you have that you are taking for granted? (Hint usually something you do and time flies by) What type of environment do you love to hang in? Do you like to be around a lot of people often or crave some space and time alone? Maybe you want to make a change in your life regarding a relationship, career, travel or it's time to learn something new? In my experience I chose to honor every bit of experience I've had, the good, the seemingly bad and the ugly. All the decisions I made along the way make me the unique person I am today. So go out there and take 1 small step into your JOY… As always let me know how I can support you and I would love to hear about your passions That’s what I’m passionate about! Contact: fran@franmedinacoaching.com With Love and Support, Fran